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Dear XXX,

Thank you for your e-mail.

We would like to confirm you that what you received

following your withdrawal request from 8️⃣ June 29th (transaction YYY) was indeed due to

the currency conversion charges that occured bewteen USD and EUR. We would 8️⃣ also like to

inform you that as mentioned on the website, there are indeed no fees associated with

Skrill when 8️⃣ you use that payment method to withdraw your gains.

In order for you to be

able to register your USD Skrill 8️⃣ account on our website, we will have to delete the

details of your current EUR Skrill account. In order to 8️⃣ further investigate the

possibility of doing so, we would kindly ask you to provide us with the following


- The 8️⃣ last four digits of the account you wish to delete:

- The e-mail

address registered in the e-wallet account:

- Why you 8️⃣ no longer wish to use this

e-wallet account for withdrawals:

We thank you for your understanding.

Please do not

hesitate to contact 8️⃣ us if you have any further queries.

Kind regards,

Your bwin

customer service team

Dear XXX,

Thank you for your e-mail.

As previously communicated,

your 8️⃣ Skrill account in EUR was successfully deleted on July 18th and you may now use

your Skrill account in USD, 8️⃣ which should not lead to any conversion fees


However, in order to avoid any further possible conversion fee issues, we

8️⃣ would advise you to first try a small amount withdrawal and come back to us if you

notice any problem.

We 8️⃣ thank you for your understanding.

Please do not hesitate to

contact us if you have any further queries.

Kind regards,

Your bwin customer 8️⃣ service


b'inside Green Members

Dear XXX,

Thank you for your e-mail.

We would like to

confirm that on the 18.07.2014 we have deleted 8️⃣ your former Skrill account in


Therefore, the double conversion issue affecting yourR$100 transaction from the

7th of July should not 8️⃣ happen anymore, as the only Skrill account registered is your

USD Skrill account. From now on, all withdrawals will be 8️⃣ processed from USD to USD as


In order to be sure that no further issue occurs we kindly recommend you 8️⃣ to

perform another small amount withdrawal.

Please come back us in case you notice any

further conversion issue.

We thank you for 8️⃣ your understanding and apologize for any

convenience this issue may have caused you.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if 8️⃣ you

have any further queries.

Kind regards,

Your bwin customer service team

b'inside Green


Dear XXX,

Thank you for your e-mail.

Due to a mistake 8️⃣ from our Payments

department, the twoR$100 withdrawals you made respectively on July 7th and July 24th

(under the references YYY 8️⃣ and ZZZ) were processed in EUR instead of USD, which is why

the amount that you received for both transactions 8️⃣ was less than the initial amount


In order to rectify that error, we have added 12 EUR to your bwin 8️⃣ account,

which is the total amount that should have also been credited to your Skrill account

when you made those 8️⃣ two withdrawal requests.

Thus, we kindly inform you that you should

now be able to proceed with new withdrawals without experiencing 8️⃣ any more conversion

issues, as this has now been corrected by the relevant department.

We are sorry for the

inconvenience caused 8️⃣ and we thank you for your understanding.

Please do not hesitate to

contact us if you have any further queries.

Kind regards,

Your 8️⃣ bwin customer service


b'inside Green Members

Dear Mr. Moens,

Thank you for your e-mail.

We confirm that

it is now safe for you 8️⃣ to withdraw a bigger amount to your Skrill USD account, as what

happened with your two last withdrawal requests was 8️⃣ the result of a human mistake which

was acknowledged and dealt with in order to prevent this issue from happening 8️⃣ again.


are sorry for the inconvenience caused and we thank you for your understanding.


do not hesitate to contact us 8️⃣ if you have any further queries.

Kind regards,

Your bwin

customer service team

b'inside Green Members

Dear XXX,

We are sorry to inform you that

8️⃣ a technical issue is still preventing your withdrawals in USD. Our system has

identified that you only performed deposits in 8️⃣ EUR and therefore blocks every

withdrawal requested in another currency, which is the reason why your request of

10.000 USD 8️⃣ has been returned onto your bwin account this day.

Thus, we kindly ask you

to make a deposit with your USD 8️⃣ Skrill account so that our system can allow you to make

withdrawals with that same account. You may choose the 8️⃣ minimum amount possible for that

deposit, as it is only required for technical reasons.

Once you have made that deposit,

we 8️⃣ kindly ask you to make a new withdrawal with that same account, which should then be


We truly apologise for 8️⃣ the inconvenience caused and we thank you for your


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any 8️⃣ further


Kind regards,

Your bwin customer service team

b'inside Green Members



had already used my Skrill USD to deposit in the past 8️⃣ (July 7th) but I have made

another deposit right now:

Account Name: -

Deposit Option: SKRILL

Amount: EUR


Date/Time Transaction: 07-AUG-14 23:23 CET

Transaction 8️⃣ ID: -



the bwin lobby I only have the option to deposit in 'EUR' (even though it is coming

8️⃣ from my Skrill USD account), so it looks like even deposits are doing a USD -> EUR ->

USD conversion.

I'm 8️⃣ looking forward to your feedback on what should be the next


Kind regards,


Dear XXX,

We are pleased to inform you that 8️⃣ our payment team

confirmed the necessary modifications made in order to allow you to make your

withdrawals in USD.

We kindly 8️⃣ ask you to contact us if you are still facing a problem

during the transaction.

Thank you for your understanding.

Please do 8️⃣ not hesitate to

contact us if you have any further queries.

Kind regards,

Your bwin customer service


b'inside Green Members

Dear XXX,

We would 8️⃣ like to inform you that you withdrawal

of 10.000 USD has been cancelled as your Moneybookers account is in Euros 8️⃣ and you have

made your withdrawal in Dollars.

Please request a new withdrawal to you Moneybookers

account in Euros.

You can do 8️⃣ this by clicking on withdrawal and change the


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further 8️⃣ queries.



Your bwin customer service team

b'inside Green Members


This isn't

correct. I have a Skrill account in euros that I have 8️⃣ used in the past (XYZ) but the

Skrill account I used for this cashout (ABC) is in USD. Please fix 8️⃣ this, I have been

trying to cashout in USD for over a month now.

Kind regards,


I have a sizable

chunk of 8️⃣ money on (the Belgian skin of partypoker), in USD. My account has been

funded with my Skrill account in 8️⃣ EUR, but if I would cash out to that account I'd lose

~2k USD in conversion fees. I also have 8️⃣ a Skrill account in USD, that I have been able

to use for additional deposits (without any issues), and for 8️⃣ which I wouldn't have to

pay conversion fees on my cashouts.I have been trying to cash out to this USD 8️⃣ account

since the beginning of July, but with every attempt there was some kind of problem

(they charge double conversion 8️⃣ fees because of an 'error in their system' or a 'human

error', they think my Skrill USD account is in 8️⃣ EUR, ...).Their latest info was that my

cashout in USD was cancelled because 'my moneybookers is in EUR' (even though 8️⃣ I cashed

out to my Skrill USD account). I replied that that statement was incorrect on August

13th and I 8️⃣ have yet to receive a reply. I sent 3 reminders (last one earlier today) and

PM'd the party_rep on this 8️⃣ forum but have yet to receive a reply, and have no idea how

I can make a succesful cashout at 8️⃣ the moment.The details (mostly a bunch of e-mails and

some info regarding cashouts) are kinda boring but I'll provide them 8️⃣ for completeness

sake. I bolded some relevant stuff in their e-mails.successful cashout to my Skrill

account in EUR (but with 8️⃣ conversion charges)successful deposit with my Skrill USD

accountwithdrawal to my Skrill USD account for which I had to pay 2x 8️⃣ conversion fees

(USD -> EUR on bwin and then EUR -> USD on Skrill)mail from support explaining how to

deactivate 8️⃣ my Skrill EUR account and activate my Skrill USD account (even though the

deposit and withdrawal from July 7th didn't 8️⃣ require 'registration' although maybe the

fact that the account hadn't been registered yet could have caused the double

conversion fees)I 8️⃣ gave them the required info and they confirmed I could now use my

Skrill USD account:I referred to my cashout 8️⃣ from July 7th for which I had to pay the

double conversion fees, to which they replied:I do what they 8️⃣ ask and try another small

cashout. This one again leads to double conversion fees. When I ask them what's wrong,

8️⃣ this is their reply:They confirm everything is OK now and I can try cashing out a

bigger amount:Unfortunately this cashout 8️⃣ didn't materialize:So apparently the earlier

deposit from my Skrill USD account (July 7th) wasn't registered or something. My

reply:I receive 8️⃣ another mail saying that everything should be OK now:I try to cashout

to my Skrill USD again and receive the 8️⃣ following mail on August 13th:So even though I

cashed out to my Skrill USD account, they somehow think it's a 8️⃣ EUR account. I explain

them this on August 13th:I have not received a reply to this mail yet, at the 8️⃣ moment

have no idea how I should do a cashout, and have gone from 'slightly irritated' about

this whole process 8️⃣ to 'very tilted' and somewhat worried they won't let me cash out my


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Alguns funcionários do Hamas estão sinalizando que o grupo militante poderia desistir da luta armada contra Israel se os palestinos 👍 obtivessem um Estado independente bwin wikipedia territórios capturados por israelenses na guerra de 1967.

A mensagem sugere um abrandamento da posição do 👍 Hamas, já que seu destino está bwin wikipedia jogo com o golpe de Israel na Faixa De Gaza que governou antes 👍 das guerras. O grupo militante palestino há muito tempo pede para destruirem os judeus no Estado judeu

Basem Naim, membro do 👍 gabinete político Hamas com sede bwin wikipedia Istambul disse na quinta-feira que o grupo concordaria se um Estado palestino independente fosse 👍 estabelecido.

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O Hamas tradicionalmente rejeitou uma solução de dois Estados que 👍 veria um Estado palestino estabelecido ao lado do Israel e, bwin wikipedia vez disso defendeu a criação deste estado na Palestina 👍 histórica.

Mustafa Barghouti, presidente da Iniciativa Nacional Palestina (INNA), disse que não estava ciente de Hamas se oferecendo para deixar suas 👍 armas antes do ataque e afirmou ser um movimento significativo.

"É significativo no sentido de que os palestinos estão resistindo à 👍 ocupação porque há uma profissão", disse ele a bwin wikipedia . “Se não houver essa atividade, eles também devem resistir”, 👍 afirmou o ministro israelense referindo-se ao controle militar dos territórios capturados bwin wikipedia 1967 por Israel e onde vivem milhões deles 👍 ”.

Efraim Inbar, presidente do Instituto de Estratégia e Segurança Jerusalém (Jerusalém Institute for Strategy and Security), disse que a demanda 👍 por refugiados palestinos "voltar para suas casas ancestrais no o hoje Israel seria um não-starter como ele equivaleria à" destruição 👍 da Estado israelense", onde os judeus formam uma maioria.

Ele caracterizou a oferta do Hamas como uma manobra de relações públicas 👍 voltada para as nações ocidentais.

"Eles veem que há muito apoio no mundo ocidental (para os palestinos)... e tentam mostrar-lhes o 👍 quanto são bons, Israel é mau", disse.

Os Estados Unidos e os estados europeus podem usar isso para pedir a Israel 👍 "para dar-lhes uma chance", disse ele, mas é provável que o gesto seja feito com um grão de sal. ”

O 👍 governo de Netanyahu prometeu eliminar o Hamas depois que liderou um ataque a Israel bwin wikipedia 7 outubro, matando 1.200 pessoas 👍 e sequestrando outras 250.

Na quarta-feira, o alto funcionário do Hamas Khalil al Hayya disse à Associated Press bwin wikipedia Istambul que 👍 a organização aceitaria "um Estado palestino totalmente soberano na Cisjordânia e Faixa de Gaza", assim como um retorno dos refugiados 👍 palestinos.

Israel capturou a Cisjordânia, Jerusalém Oriental e Gaza na guerra de 1967. Esses territórios são considerados pelo direito internacional pela 👍 maioria da comunidade mundial como ocupados; eles estão onde os palestinos querem estabelecer um futuro estado: o primeiro-ministro israelense Benjamin 👍 Netanyahu há muito se opõe à tal perspectiva argumentando que isso colocaria bwin wikipedia risco bwin wikipedia segurança no país ”.

Hayyah também 👍 disse à AP que o Hamas se juntaria a Organização para Libertação da Palestina (OLP) e formaria um governo unificado 👍 bwin wikipedia Gaza, na Cisjordânia. O Hamás absteve-se de aderir ao grupo guarda chuva das facções palestinas com quem assinou acordos 👍 nos anos 90 do século passado;

Barghouti disse que o Hamas indicou já bwin wikipedia 2007, quando liderou um governo de unidade 👍 nacional palestina, e está disposto a aceitar uma nação Palestina ao longo das fronteiras 1967. O Hamás também foi favorável 👍 à adesão da Organização para Libertação do Povo Palestino (OLP), mas tal movimento não equivaleria automaticamente no reconhecimento dos Acordoes 👍 Israel ou Oslo assinado pela organização na década 1990 com ela /p>

O Hamas não emitiu uma declaração oficial descrevendo as 👍 concessões que seus funcionários têm elogiado e ainda é incerto se declarações feitas por suas autoridades no exterior refletem o 👍 pensamento de bwin wikipedia ala militar bwin wikipedia Gaza.

Perguntado se a declaração de Hayyah à AP equivaleria bwin wikipedia uma mudança na posição 👍 do Hamas, Naim disse que suas observações refletem as mensagens da organização desde o início das guerras entre Israel e 👍 Hamás.

Israel até agora não conseguiu atingir seu objetivo declarado de eliminar o Hamas da Faixa, sem líderes do grupo capturados 👍 ou mortos ; mas diminuiu significativamente suas capacidades militares e bwin wikipedia capacidade para governar lá como a campanha antibomba deixa 👍 enclave bwin wikipedia ruínas.

Na semana passada, o ministro das Relações Exteriores turco Hakan Fidan disse bwin wikipedia uma coletiva de imprensa na 👍 capital do Catar Doha que Hamas está disposto a funcionar apenas como um partido político depois da criação dum Estado 👍 palestino.

Ele pediu ao Hamas "para expressar suas posições claramente".

Inbar, do Instituto de Estratégia e Segurança Jerusalém disse que depois 7 👍 outubro Israelitas tratar Hamas como uma entidade hostil para vê-lo derrotado. "Nós entendemos o quanto eles vão tentar reconstruir a 👍 infra estrutura militar" após os israelenses destruírem ele afirmou acrescentando:

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