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    The term 3 bet is one of the most used phrases in modern poker theory, but it might be frustrating ☀️ to hear so much about a subject you barely understand if you are new to poker.

    Because 3 bets have become ☀️ an integral part of poker strategy nowadays, you won’t get far without mastering this concept.

    While the definition of 3bet looks ☀️ pretty simple, there are much more to 3 bets than meets the eye, and we will discuss everything you need ☀️ to know in this article. But first, let us answer the question of what is a 3bet in poker.

    What is ☀️ a 3 Bet In Poker?

    There are pre-flop and postflop 3-bets, but we will be talking about the one most poker ☀️ players refer to when they mention the term, which is the pre-flop 3 bet.

    In poker, the term 3 bet describes ☀️ a raise made after the initial raise pre-flop.

    Most beginners don’t understand why the 3-bet is called like that when it ☀️ is the second and not the third raise pre-flop. Well, the blinds are considered the first bet, the first raise ☀️ pre-flop is considered the 2-bet, and thus the second raise pre-flop is considered a 3-bet.

    For example, if you are playing ☀️ 2/4 No Limit Holdem.

    Before the start of the hand, the small blind and the big blind post their blinds. It ☀️ is a blind bet, which is what confuses newbie players, but a bet nonetheless.

    Let’s say that the UTG raises toR$10, ☀️ and the CO makes a bet toR$25.

    Essentially, the UTG’s raise is the second bet made pre-flop - the “2 bet,” ☀️ while the CO’s re-raise is the third bet made pre-flop - the “3 bet.”

    The important thing to note is that ☀️ only when the player reraises the 2nd bet is his bet considered a 3 bet.

    If instead of reraising, the CO ☀️ just made a call of the UTGR$10 raise, his bet would not be considered a 3 bet.

    What Is A Squeeze ☀️ Bet?

    If a player makes a raise pre-flop, one or more players make a call, and then a player makes a ☀️ 3 bet, this 3 bet is called a squeeze bet.

    This type of 3 bet is called a squeeze bet because ☀️ the purpose of this bet is to squeeze as many opponents from the hand as possible and thus increase the ☀️ 3 bettor's chances of winning the pot.

    Because of the bet's nature and purpose, squeeze bets are made with larger amounts ☀️ of money or chips than standard 3 bets.

    3 Bet Strategy - Why do Poker Players 3 Bet

    Now that you know ☀️ what 3 betting is, it is time to learn why and how poker players use 3 betting to increase their ☀️ win rate.

    3 Betting For Value

    In situations where they have a premium hand, poker players use 3 bets to build up ☀️ the pot and extract as much value from their opponents as possible.

    Imagine a situation in which you are playing 0.5/1 ☀️ NL Holdem

    The action is folded to the CO, who makes a raise toR$2.5, and you are sitting on the BTN ☀️ with As Ad.

    In this situation, it is undeniable that you have a better hand (or, in the worst possible scenario, ☀️ the same hand) than the CO and that you should try to make your opponent put more money in the ☀️ pot with an inferior holding.

    You can only do this by 3 betting him toR$8 or so. By doing this, you ☀️ are immediately increasing the pot fromR$4 toR$12 and opening the action again by giving your opponent a chance to make ☀️ additional raises.

    3 Betting As A Bluff

    The main reason why poker players 3 bet as a bluff is to balance their ☀️ ranges and to disguise their value 3 bets.

    Imagine if you were only 3 betting premium hands, it wouldn’t take long ☀️ for your opponents to realize this and start folding to your 3 bets and thus prevent you from extracting value ☀️ from with your good hands.

    To prevent this from happening, poker players incorporate bluffs into their 3 bet ranges. To be ☀️ clear, bluff 3 bets are hands that you reraise your opponent pre-flop with the intention of taking the pot down ☀️ without a showdown.

    Imagine a situation in which you are playing 0.25/0.5 NL Holdem

    The action is folded to the CO, who ☀️ makes a raise toR$1.25, and you are sitting on the BTN with As 5s.

    In this situation, your hand is a ☀️ bit too weak to call and too weak to 3-bet for value, so it makes for a solid 3-bet bluff ☀️ candidate, especially because the A blocks some of your opponent's strong hands.

    So you can use this hand to keep your ☀️ opponent guessing whether you are 3 betting for value or are betting as a bluff.

    Adding 3 bet bluffs to your ☀️ game will earn you a lot of uncontested pots that you will take down pre-flop. On top of that, you ☀️ will have multiple chances to win pots post-flop, continuing your aggression even when you miss.

    While the concept of 3 bet ☀️ bluffing is much more complex, we hope that this is enough to explain why you should add this play in ☀️ your arsenal, and you can keep studying how to do it properly.

    3 Betting Strategy - Most Common 3 Betting Situations

    Now ☀️ that you are familiar with the main reasons poker players 3 bets, we will mention some of the most common ☀️ 3 betting situations.

    Building The Pot

    We already mentioned this, so we will keep it short and try to give you reasons ☀️ and specific situations so that you can get a better idea of how building the pot depends not only on ☀️ your holdings but also on game dynamics, your opponent's style of play and positions at the table.

    So, in the previous ☀️ example in which you had AA, the situation was pretty clear because of the strength of your hand. However, in ☀️ most situations, the strength of your hand will not be enough to decide if you should 3 bet to build ☀️ the pot or not.

    For example, if a player opens from UTG and you hold JJ in the HJ, should you ☀️ 3 bet for value, or should you just call? How should you approach this spot?

    Well, the first thing you want ☀️ to consider is the positions. In this case, you have a premium hand, but the player is opening from UTG, ☀️ so he will have a much stronger range than usual.

    The second thing you want to consider is your opponent's style ☀️ of play:

    Is the tight, or is he loose?

    Is he passive or aggressive?

    Is he a weaker player or a solid regular?

    And ☀️ the third thing that can help you make a good decision is thinking about the game dynamics. Do you have ☀️ experience with this player where the hand went to showdown? Have you seen him make unorthodox moves, or does he ☀️ play GTO strategy?

    If the answer to these questions is, for example, that your opponent is a solid aggressive regular who ☀️ understands the game very well and knows his opening ranges, you are better off with just calling your JJ instead ☀️ of 3 betting as you will probably get action only from hands that beat you.

    3-bettingOn the other hand, if you ☀️ are up against recreational players who play loose and open many hands even from UTG, you are much better off ☀️ 3-betting and isolating this player to play a heads-up pot.

    Isolating Weak Players

    This is another way in which good poker players ☀️ use 3 betting to increase their win rate. As you may already assume, it can be used only in specific ☀️ situations.

    This requires a weaker opponent that plays a lot of pots with questionable hands, does not pay much attention to ☀️ positions and game dynamics, and calls 3 bets too wide.

    If a good poker player has this type of opponent at ☀️ his table, he will widen his 3 betting ranges to isolate this player and play as many pots against him ☀️ heads up as possible.

    For example, if an opponent opens from the HJ, and you are sitting in the CO with ☀️ AT (which is not a standard 3 bet for value in this situation), you should consider 3 betting instead of ☀️ calling because if other players at the table know that your opponent is a weaker player, they will also call ☀️ with wider ranges to try and get involved which will ultimately lower your chances of winning the hand.

    The main principle ☀️ for this kind of 3 bet with weaker holdings is that you can use your skill advantage over your opponent ☀️ to make up for the weaker range postflop. On top of that, such players will likely call down way too ☀️ wide, so you will still have a range advantage, to begin with.

    Thinning The Field

    This is the concept we already mentioned ☀️ when we talked about squeeze 3 betting, and it is another great example of how good poker players use the ☀️ slightest of information to gain an edge over their opponents.

    There are two situations where 3 bets are used to thin ☀️ the field.

    First, let’s say that the action is folded to CO, who makes a raise, the BTN calls, SB folds, ☀️ and you are in the BB with QQ.

    In this situation, apart from building the pot, you want to make a ☀️ 3 bet squeeze to try and get heads up against one of your opponents (preferably the BTN because he has ☀️ a capped range). The reason why you want to play against one player and not two is that the more ☀️ players are in the pot, the less equity your hand has.

    For example, if CO has AJ and BTN has KT, ☀️ combined, they have 2 overcards to your QQ, but if you manage to squeeze out one of your opponents, it ☀️ leaves only 1 overcard. Of course, it is a very simplified example of concrete hands rather than ranges, but it ☀️ is a good way to illustrate this point.

    The second situation in which you might want to thin the field with ☀️ a 3 bet is when there is a weaker opponent in the hand which you want to isolate.

    For example, UTG ☀️ folds, HJ makes a raise, CO and BTN fold, a weaker player in the SB calls, and you are in ☀️ the BB with AJ.

    In this situation, a 3 bet squeeze is a good way to try and push out the ☀️ regular from the hand and get heads up against the weaker player with a capped range.

    Taking Initiative

    The main reason why ☀️ good poker players play aggressively is that this style of play gives them more opportunities to win the pot. And ☀️ the best way to take the initiative pre-flop is to make a 3 bet.

    To prove our point, let’s analyze two ☀️ scenarios where we 3bet in the first situation and just call in the second.

    Let’s say that the action folds to ☀️ CO, who raises with As Ts, the player on the BTN has Ad Jc and decides just to make a ☀️ call, and the SB and BB fold.

    The flop comes Ks 7d Qc, and the CO bets a third of the ☀️ pot, B calls with a gutshot.

    The turn is a 5h, the CO makes a half-pot bet, and the BTN folds ☀️ because he is not getting the right price.

    Now, let’s take the same scenario, but instead of calling pre-flop, the BTN ☀️ makes a 3 bet, and the CO calls.

    The flop comes Ks 7d Qc, the CO checks to the pre-flop raiser, ☀️ B bets a third of the pot, and the CO calls.

    The turn is a 5h, the BTN makes a half-pot ☀️ bet, and the CO folds because he is not getting the right price.

    As you can see, because he made a ☀️ 3 bet pre-flop instead of just calling, the BTN took the initiative in the hand, allowing him to be the ☀️ aggressor post-flop and take the pot down.

    Final Thoughts On 3 Betting In Poker

    If you are new to 3 betting, you ☀️ first want to learn to recognize situations in which you are 3 betting for value and in which you are ☀️ 3 betting as a bluff. Many newbie players struggle to answer when asked if they are 3 betting for value ☀️ or as a bluff, but knowing the answer to this question is the first step in developing a good 3-betting ☀️ strategy.

    Another thing you want to do is learn how to recognize different 3 betting situations based on factors such as ☀️ the skill of your opponents, game dynamics, positions, and stack sizes.

    Mastering each of these elements will do wonders for your ☀️ 3 betting games and make you a nightmare for your opponents.

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    By signing up for a free account you will ☀️ benefit from:

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